Why FBI Director Comey Reopened the Clinton Email Investigation

Nov. 25, 2016

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Don’t forget to read about the pay for play deals of the Clinton Foundation uncovered in those emails after this WAIS post.

Another question: So why did the FBI Director cleared Hillary Clinton again two days before the election? Until Next time.




FBI Reopens Clinton Investigation (Francisco Wong-Diaz, USA, 10/31/16 3:35 am)




Francisco Wong-Diaz writes:

The information seeping out about the latest Clinton-related scandal is this:

  1. In the last 4 months, FBI Director James Comey has been chastised and avoided by many top FBI officers and agents. He has a stack of resignations and has been sitting on them. His own wife has been on his case and he has been depressed. The Wikileaks disclosures gave him an opportunity to redeem himself, despite opposition from Obama and Loretta Lynch.


Decision ’16 Cheat Sheet, Part III: Hillary’s Emails (A. J. Cave, USA, 10/31/16 3:05 am)




I am just guessing that FBI’s predicament over “newly found deleted emails” has a lot to do with job security and saving face than with what they actually know, and even more importantly, what did President Obama knew and when. As I said in my first election cheat sheet, it is all about magic–fooling the eye, to see something other than what is there.


What FBI doesn’t know (or the old burying-the-head-in-the-sand trick, until the storm passes) is how unforgiving Internet (the Web) is. They seem to be in damage-control mode, just in case the real stuff hits the fan. The news that Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner share the same laptop is probably a smoke screen. Even if you share a laptop, that doesn’t have anything to do with email.


In Persian, we say (and I rephrase), “a hundred wise men can’t undo the doing of a moron.”


Here are the basics:


Email address: hdr22@clintonemail.com


When did we find out? March of 2013 (right before the Persian New Year)


How? A Romanian hacker hacked the AOL account of Sidney Blumenthal–at the time a consultant to the Clinton Foundation (after February 2013), following employment at the Clinton Foundation (before 2013). Blumenthal was blocked from a high-ranking position at the State Department (to follow Secretary Clinton) due to bad blood between the Clinton and Obama campaign staffs. So, he couldn’t double-dip like Huma Abedin (actually triple pay, getting paid by the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and a Friend of Bill’s).


Did the White House know before us? Yes


People who can email the president have authorization and security clearance. Otherwise, their emails are blocked or bounced by the secure email server. Since the email address (above) was different from the typical email address of a secretary of state,


it had to be approved by the White House. President Obama knew and corresponded with the then Secretary Clinton, reportedly using an alias or a pseudonym. How else were they going to communicate (outside of a phone call)? Those emails are surely among the official emails deleted on candidate Clinton’s private email server, and blocked on President’s secure server by presidents’ lawyers claiming “Presidential Communication Privilege” to keep it out of the reach of the Freedom of Information Act.


Back to the FBI, when they finally caught on, they went to the Oval Office and said something like, “Mr. President, we have a problem.” Or, “Mr. President, would you like the good news or the bad news first, sir?”


The good news: what’s in the candidate Clinton’s emails is mostly just about dirty money laundering (game of pay-to-play in what is called Bill and Hillary Inc., better known as the Clinton Foundation).


The bad news: Sir, you make a cameo appearance in some of those official emails.


It means lots of things. It also means casting a shadow over the operation of the entire administration of the sitting president.


It was President Obama who gave Clintons the key to the henhouse. After a brutal presidential primary against Clinton in 2008, President-elect Obama brought back Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of State candidate (confirmed 21 January 2009 by the Senate, and left the post on 1 February 2013).


Why? Just to keep her from running against him again? If she was unelectable in 2008, she would have been unelectable in 2012. Or, maybe just to make nice with the women voters. But, again, he didn’t have to hand her one of the most powerful and prestigious posts in his administration.


They say, you should never talk about things you don’t know, but you don’t have to tell the whole truth about things you do know. So, when the President said he found out about Clinton’s private email server along with everybody else, he wasn’t telling the whole truth.


So, the buck stops here: or there, with the President and the Senate, as I see it. I am a huge fan of President Obama personally and voted for him and my fingertips weep as I write this. The Clintons would have been relegated to historical footnotes after losing 2008 Democratic primaries, but they were resurrected in 2009 by Obama, and here we are. We have met the establishment, and it is us. The first rule of management says, “You can delegate responsibility, but you can’t delegate accountability.” So sorry.


Since the late British author Doug Adams wrote his famous joke, “The answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything is 42” (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 1978-79), geeks globally have wasted no time backing everything into 42.


Here is how I back candidate Clinton’s email to 42:


Number of days as Secretary of State: 1,460 days (or 1,459/1,461]

[days between 1 February 2009 to 1 February 2013, ignoring holidays, sick days, days on the planes traveling around the globe–email doesn’t take a holiday; it is always on]


Number of emails (total sent and received): 62,320 [as reported by Clinton/her staff]


Number of emails per day: 62,320 / 1,460 = 42.6849150684932 [42 or 43, depending on rounding]


Number of personal emails: 30,490 [half of total emails]


Number of emails deleted: 30,000 to 33,000 (exact number unknown)


Are deleted emails actually deleted? Yes and No.


Mostly no. They are only deleted on candidate Clinton’s private email server. They exist [other than hacked] on the email servers around the world, including the White House. Those email servers are the email servers of those who sent and received those emails–among them, the email server that hosts Anthony Weiner’s emails. It doesn’t matter if those emails are web-based like Gmail and Yahoo, or products like Microsoft Outlook. Emails in someone’s inbox, exist in someone else’s outbox, and emails in someone’s outbox, exist in someone else’s inbox. It is just a matter of time before those emails are pieced together, just as the Iranians did, using a bunch of kids to go through US Embassy’s shredded files and glue the pages back together.


Does this mean Trump is any better by comparison? No


The reason mainstream media is so freaked out by candidate Trump, giving candidate Clinton a free get-out-of-jail Monopoly card, is because they recognize that Trump is using what is called “dog whistle talk” in his campaign speeches (according to the conservative poster boy, Glenn Beck), meaning his speeches mean something to the general public and something entirely different to his specific target audience [identified as the American version of Neo-Eurasianism]. I don’t know what that means, so I leave it to others to talk about it.


Back to email: numbers can mean lots of things. Archaeologist know that when they find an ancient archive (mostly purely by luck), they have just found the tip-of-the-iceberg. So, they extrapolate the size of the original (missing) archive, by calculating the average number of documents per day (or similar criteria), and multiply by the number days of an administration (the period of the ruling house or merchant house in play). Bureaucrats and bureaucracies are amazingly consistent.


So, just to do some benchmarking for fun on that reported 62,320 emails number (during the same period of time as the former secretary Clinton’s tenure in the office–1,460 days):


Average number of corporate email box per year: roughly 21,000, or 57 per day


Average number of emails an average corporate employee received: 83,220(57 x 1,460)


Average number of actionable emails: 41,610 (or roughly, 42 x 1000)–assuming half of emails were just junk, jokes and links to dancing cat videos


My own email box hypothetically (I don’t know, just guessing):


Average number of emails per day (sent and received): 200


Number of emails (total sent and received, some by WAIS): 200 x 1,460 = 292,000


Number of personal emails: 73,000 [half of half] and half of that: 36,500

This is, however, comparing apples and oranges. Naturally, the email of the Secretary of State is a lot more important than mine. And I write and answer my own emails, where she has her staff print, read, and tell her what to read and respond on her behalf. I am on my own. The best benchmark would be the number of emails of the 2 prolific Secretaries of State, Condoleezza “Condi” Rice and John Kerry, and take it from there.


And, let’s not forget the Blackberry’s special pin-to-pin, garden-variety texts (SMS), and other social media messaging apps. Blackberries are also phones, and those phone-calls are also probably recorded on operator networks.


Candidate Clinton’s private email server was setup by clueless techies for techno-morons to “outsmart” the system. Just the domain–clintonemail.com–was an open invitation to hackers (and worked). And then the server was wiped out with an eraser (various brands and products on the market, some for free–meaning, the memory (where emails were saved) was written over many times (I think I read somewhere at least 7 times).


Nothing in the Internet (Web) ever dies. Even in the virtual world, postman always rings twice.


JE comments:  As A. J. Cave and I agreed off-Forum, this is a perfect post to kick off Halloween.  Hillary and Donald will be top-ranking costumes this year.  Anthony Weiner should be popular, too, but only for mature audiences.


We’ve seen plenty of tricks; where are the treats?


Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin share(d) a laptop?  How absurd.  I wonder if Hillary, if/when elected, will stick by her BFF, or if the Huma Brand is too damaged.




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