The Coming Generation War: Politics Explained In One Picture

June 19, 2019 Happy Anniversary

I got this from Hoover Institution last Monday June 17, 2019


The Atlantic:  The Coming Generation War*

The Democrats are rapidly becoming the party of the young—and the consequences could be profound.


MAY 6, 2019

Niall Ferguson

Co-director of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Applied History Project

Eyck Freymann – Research analyst at Greenmantle

Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934 (ASSOCIATED PRESS)


Ferguson, Freymann: “A generational division is growing in American politics that could prove more important than the cleavages of race and class, which are the more traditional focuses of political analysis.”


* My guess is the coming confrontation will be between the American people and the manipulative political system that’s failing as the burgeoning national debt shows.


The American people will start questioning the political system if they are all made aware that:


1.) Full disclosure about a candidate’s past is not revealed until way after the person has been elected. That’s not an open election.


2.) Elected and re-elected politicians are not held to the very campaign promises that got them elected. (Example: AOC’s green promise. Is that even feasible?)  That’s not a fair and open election.


3.) Members of Congress do not live under the very laws they have made. This is why politicians rarely care about the unintended consequences of the laws they’ve passed or if these laws solved the problems they were working on.


4.) No one from among the three branches of government cares enough about the growing national debt to speak out and do something about it. Americans born today will be paying their share of a pile of debts incurred before they were born!


This is aristocracy, not democracy.  Aristocracy is a form of government that places power in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class, the members of Congress. What about the POTUS? Let me repeat. The POTUS merely executes the laws passed by Congress. This is why the POTUS is referred to as the executive branch.


Proposed solutions:

  1. Candidates must comply to a discovery process, the same process in litigation where parties to a lawsuit can get the evidence, admissions and documents from the other party or parties, if necessary, by court order. Remember Obama’s birth certificate? If we have this discovery process then, Obama would have had to present his birth certificate even before filing for his candidacy for the US Senate. How about Pres. Trump’s alleged involvement with a porno star that came out after he was elected?


Discovery From Wikipedia: Discovery, in the law of common law jurisdictions, is a pre-trial procedure in a lawsuit in which each party, through the law of civil procedure, can obtain evidence from the other party or parties by means of discovery devices such as interrogatories, requests for production of documents, requests for admissions and depositions.[2] Discovery can be obtained from non-parties using subpoenas. When a discovery request is objected to, the requesting party may seek the assistance of the court by filing a motion to compel discovery.[3]


Campaign Promises

Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders became popular with his

promise of free education. But how he is going to deliver that unless college professors are paid the salaries of public high school teachers! Free education means the college graduates do not have to pay a single penny back to the.


A truly independent and transparent socioeconomic and financial board should be formed to examine and qualify campaign promises of candidates. A performance bond perhaps should be required. The implementation of campaign promises should be monitored by an independent and transparent body. Since American politicians do not have the habit of resigning when campaign promises are broken, there should be a provision for recall for non-performance of the campaign promises. Otherwise, politicians will keep on saying what voters would like to hear, just to get elected.


Bills must be subjected to a socioeconomic environmental, financial impact tests and studies that will exam the possible downside of every bill before it is even deliberated. The special retirement and healthcare of the members of Congress should be abolished. They should get the same retirement and healthcare as everyone else or get it on their own.


National Debt

Congress should pass a law requiring the POTUS to give a status report on the national debt during his state of the union address. Why do we call it state of the union address when the national debt is not even mentioned?


“What if the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?”


  • Native American proverb



The NATIONAL DEBT: The Country’s Single Biggest Problem


“Now the US National Debt is at $17 trillion. Americans born today are born into a financial bondage they never agreed to, benefited from or were even consulted about. They are no longer born free. This is slavery pure and simple not just robbery.”


From: More on QE: The Hospital Analogy  (Bienvenido Macario, USA, 01/08/14 6:29 am),

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